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Data Protection and GDPR

Comprehensive legal support in the processing of personal data We have extensive experience in the field of data protection and the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and we ensure that your company meets the stringent requirements of data privacy. With our in-depth expertise and practical experience, we offer tailor-made solutions to bring your data processing in line with legal obligations.

Why Choose Oracle Solicitors for Data Protection and GDPR?

Expertise in Data Protection: Our team of lawyers has extensive knowledge and experience in the field of data protection and GDPR. We stay up to date with the latest legal developments and understand the specific requirements and challenges faced by businesses.

Comprehensive Legal Services: We offer a range of legal services in the field of data protection and GDPR. This includes drafting privacy policies and contracts, conducting data protection impact assessments, assisting with obtaining consents, advising on international data transfers, and representing clients in data protection breaches and regulatory investigations.

Tailored Solutions for Your Business: We recognise that every company is unique and has different data protection requirements. Our approach is to understand your specific business processes and needs in order to develop customised solutions that meet your requirements. We support you in implementing data protection measures tailored to your company.

Proactive consulting and training: In addition to legal advice, we offer training and workshops to enhance awareness of data protection and GDPR within your organisation. We provide best practices, risk management, and a privacy culture to continuously improve your data protection compliance.

Our Data Protection and GDPR Services

At Oracle Solicitors, we offer a variety of services in the field of data protection and GDPR, including:

Data Protection Consultation: We assist your company in developing and implementing data protection policies, contracts, and procedures to ensure that your data processing complies with data protection regulations.

Data Protection Impact Assessments: We conduct data protection impact assessments to identify potential risks to the rights and freedoms of individuals and recommend appropriate measures to minimise these risks.

Consent and Rights of Data Subjects: We support you in designing consent forms and inform you about the rights of data subjects under the GDPR, including the right to access, rectify, erase, and restrict the processing of personal data.

International Data Transfers: We advise you on the legal transfer of personal data to countries outside the European Economic Area and assist you in implementing appropriate safeguards in accordance with GDPR requirements.

Representation in Data Protection Breaches: In the event of a data protection breach, we stand by your side and assist you in taking appropriate measures, including notifying the relevant supervisory authority and communicating with affected individuals.

Contact Us for Your Data Protection and GDPR Requirements

We are committed to providing comprehensive support for your data protection and GDPR requirements in Germany. Contact us at (+49) 69 9675 8891 or click here and leave your message with your contact details, and we will get in touch with you to discuss your specific concerns and learn more about our services. Our lawyers are available to answer your questions and develop tailored solutions for your data protection and GDPR needs.


Sajjad ist Solicitor (England und Wales) und gründete Oracle Solicitors in 2002. Er verfügt über umfangreiche Referenzen im Bereich Commercial, Straf- und Zivilrecht.

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