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ESG and Sustainable Business Operations


At Oracle Solicitors, our deep commitment to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles is unwavering.

Environmental Stewardship

Continuously reduce our carbon footprint, promote resource efficiency, and invest in sustainable technologies. Our aim is to minimise our environmental impact and actively contribute to a healthier planet. 

Corporate Social Responsibility

Champion fair labour practices, promote employee well-being, and engage with our communities through philanthropy and volunteerism. We are committed to being a responsible corporate employer. 

Ethical Governance

Uphold rigorous corporate governance standards, maintain transparency, and ensure ethical conduct at all levels of our organisation. Our commitment to ethical governance guarantees trust and accountability. 

Our commitment to creating a Sustainable Business Environment:

At Oracle Solicitors, we believe that a sustainable business environment extends to our customers and suppliers. We will: 

Our Leadership Team


Sajjad ist Solicitor (England und Wales) und gründete Oracle Solicitors in 2002. Er verfügt über umfangreiche Referenzen im Bereich Commercial, Straf- und Zivilrecht.


Claire is the Chief Operating Officer. She is responsible for the overall operational performance of the Group and ensuring that the executive strategy is implemented.

Esther Schmid

Esther leads the Oracle Solicitors office in Germany. She holds a degree in business administration and has many years of experience in management roles as...